Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Zotero Results


When I first read the findings of my Zotero export, I found them difficult to comprehend. That said, when I reopened the Zotero box opened up in my browser, I could read everything just fine. What I gathered from this is that the results of Zotero are only as good as what one enters into it. I must make sure I copy down every bit of useful bibliographic information and use it with a specific style guide when establishing a bibliography. While it is not as convenient as just exporting the results into a Word document, it still makes organizing bibliographic content fairly painless. I am pleased with Zotero now that it works in my browser and I plan to use it in the future.

1 comment:

  1. http://www.citeulike.org/user/iceman0427

    - Here is the completed version of the assignment. Being the idiot I am I thought that the Zotero portion was the only necessary part. Whoops! Maybe this blog is better suited for www.failblog.com
